Archive for January 6th, 2010



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

A SELF PORTRAITA SELF PORTRAITThe WOOD BEE CARVER has worn a black derby hat, bib overalls and a Colonel Sanders bow tie since 1976 whenever he participates in a woodcarving show.  The derby hat was purchased at a church rummage sale and has become frayed around the edges over the years.  That is what age will do to any of us but at any age we can still look the part.  Since I wear glasses the glasses were carved without the detail of the eyes showing through the lens.  This adds a bit of mystery appearance in the same way that sun glasses add to the mystery of a person’s face. In this self portrait figure the center of attention are the hands whittling while the eyes hidden behind the lens of the glasses are looking at the hands. Read the rest of this entry »