Archive for December 9th, 2009



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in Carving Projects

TOTEM POLESTotem Poles have a fascination of mystery surrounding their appearance as an unique form of art and carved beauty.  A Totem is not a religious symbol nor an object of worship.  Rather, a Totem is a carved diary or family story of symbols that tells what is very important to the people who carved and erected the Totem Pole.  A Totem proclaims a clan’s or tribes status and is a symbol of the clan’s mythological history, familiar legends or notable events.  The animals carved into the pole from top to bottom represents the characteristics of each animal as a guide throughout life.  A Totem is an entity, such as an animal that watches over or assists a tribe or family as a spirit guide representative of the symbolic relationship between nature and human kinship. Read the rest of this entry »