Archive for October 6th, 2009



   Posted by: woodbeecarver    in General

CARICATURE CARVERS OF AMERICAA very great and humbling honor was bestowed upon me when the members of the Caricature Carvers of America elected me along with Mitchell Cartledge of North Carolina as the 2009 new Members into CCA  at their Annual Meeting in  Branson, Missouri the week end of September 26, 2009.

CCA came into existence to encourage caricature carving as well as showcase caricature carving as  ART within the woodcarving genre.  This is accomplished through sponsoring an annual mail-in caricature carving competition, seminars in various locations across the nation,  publication of CCA carving projects, awarding Merit Award Certificate and Ribbon to deserving carvers of caricatures at wood carving shows and each member of CCA being an ambassador of caricature carving.

A more detailed description of CCA is described at their web site: