Santa sitting on a gift card was first carved in 2001 from an original design drawn by Glenn Stewart of Hawesville, Kentucky. It is carved out of half inch thick basswood approximately four inches high and wide. The size can be varied either a little larger or a little smaller. It is basically carved as a relief carving using traditional caving tools of small gouges, V tool and a knife.
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Even though the WOOD BEE CARVER is primarily a knife carver, yet learning to carve using real carving tools and other carving styles is a way to stretch one’s horizons. As often as I have a chance I take a carving class for the experience of learning something new and challenging.
Every carver should consider taking a carving class from time to time for learning and inspiration. We can read and study carving books and magazines, be observant at wood carving shows and participate in woodcarving club activities, but nothing takes the place of participating in a carving class. One learns not only from the instructor but also from fellow students. And besides it is a great way to makes good friends. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in Hobos
Posted by: woodbeecarver in Hobos
In the two previous posts Rube and Cedrick were introduced. They stand five inches tall and are now joined by Half Pint who stands two inches including the base he is standing on. Half Pint is the same design and pose of Rube and Cedrick and the RULE OF THREE was used on Half Pint to maintain body and facial proportions.
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Posted by: woodbeecarver in Hobos

In every block of wood there is a carving subject waiting to be set free by carving away all the wood that does not look like the subject imagined. Or so the old saying goes.
Such is the case of the subject of carving a hobo envisioned in a block of wood. The first photo shows Sage of the Road standing in front of a basswood block. Sage was used as a model for the Hobo Rube whose story was told in the February 26, 2009 posting of “Carving Hobo Rube.” The second photo shows Rube standing in front of a block of basswood from which Hobo Cedrick will be carved in this posting. Read the rest of this entry »