The WOOD BEE CARVER has always practiced “learning by doing” using the philosophy: “Would be carvers would be carvers if they would carve wood.” Within that philosophy is the awareness that “Woodcarving is more the journey than the destination,” which means that it is in doing the activity of carving that is more important that the completed carving. Read the rest of this entry »
Norb Hartmann, a long time wood carving friend from Fairfield, Ohio gave this laser engraved plaque to me as an ongoing sharing of good humored fun. He is like the “good humor bandit” who likes to sneak up on you with a special act of friendship and tattoo his generosity on your heart. Read the rest of this entry »
DERBY DINGUS McGee is an original carving by Lynn Doughty. My wife, Frances, gave me this carving as a gift this Christmas. What a pleasant surprise. In other years I received two lumps of coal, but this year I received a “Doughty.” Am I a good boy or what?
Gifts are special and some are more special because they continue to give. Love is a gift that keeps on giving. Friendship is a gift that keeps on giving. Memory is a gift that keeps on giving. Woodcarving is a gift that keeps on giving. Combining all of these becomes yet another gift that continues to give. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by: woodbeecarver in General
This blank block of wood symbolizes the beginning of a new year filled with unknown possibilities. Every carving project begins in a new block of wood that awaits the carver’s tools of inspiration, creative ideas and ability to try. Read the rest of this entry »