

   Posted by: woodbeecarver   in Noggins, Tu Tor Plus, Tutorials

egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3

When it is said, “you got egg on your face” it means something so obvious that it cannot be hidden. On the other hand, when a wood carver says, “see the face on the egg,” it is obvious that a face has been carved into a wooden egg. (click on photos to enlarge.)

A wooden hen egg (basswood) is a natural medium in which to carve faces because of its general “head shape” and layout guidelines are simple with front to back center line and side to side center line.  Within these center lines landmarks of the face can be drawn to follow the Rule of Three of Facial Proportions ~ Hairline to Eyebrows; Eyebrows to Bottom of Nose; Bottom of nose to Bottom of Chin.

The next four photographs depict the progressive steps for carving an Indian head with a Mohawk roach hair effect.  The first photo begins with the egg on the left having the landmark lines drawn across the center line showing the eye brow, nose and chin while the Mohawk hair has already been carved. The middle egg show the planes and angle of fore head established as well as the V shaped notch for nose nostrils.  The third egg is a progression of more planes of the face established to shape the face to look like an Indian.

egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3

The next three photos show three egg illustrations of progressive steps in three views. The egg head/face on left show the major landmarks opened up with notch cuts with angles and planes of the face established. The middle egg head/face has progressed showing the foundations for the eyes established, the nose and smile line shaped to allow for the mouth mound to be established.  These foundations of the face are ready to receive the detail carving treatment to complete the egg head/face as depicted in the face on the right.  Studying these progressive step photographs is a visual tutorial of connecting the dots and reading between the lines by imagining what is needed in the carving process as a mental exercise of carving.

egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3egg noggins redux 3

The next three photographs are of another style of an Indian egg head/face with progressive steps.  Four more photos follow showing two Indian egg head/face carvings, one with bare wood and the other with a monochrome finish of artist oil paint color of Raw Sienna mixed with boiled linseed oil.

egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3

The next series of photographs are of additional egg head/faces that include Sea Captains, Pirate, Man with Cigar, and Toothy Grin Dude. (click on photos to enlarge.)

egg noggins redux 3egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3egg noggins redux 3egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3 egg noggins redux 3

egg noggins redux 3

The egg head/face at the left is a Caricature study in which the facial proportion between the nose and chin has been exaggerated to allow for the toothy grin to be predominant.  Notice also that the center line with the eye brow and nose lines are still visible for instructional purposes to show how these guidelines allow the doing the next step in opening up those landmark areas.  Notice also that the eye area under the eye brow is instructional for the progressive steps in carving a good foundation for the details of the eye. The eye area on left shows the opening cut (which is a three cut triangular cut) in the upper corner of the eye mound.  The eye on the right has the eye mound area carved with notch cuts and angled planes ready to receive the rest of the eye treatment. Notice also that the corners of the mouth have deep triangular cuts to allow the dental curve of teeth to disappear back inside the mouth.  Teeth are carved larger and fewer than in reality with the two front teeth being predominant. The other teeth are carved “stair step” fashion both in size and length.

Wooden Egg Head/Face Carving is a continuation of the EGG NOGGIN series of carved basswood hen eggs.  Under “Categories” check out the earlier posting about EGG NOGGINS.


This entry was posted on Saturday, May 17th, 2014 at 8:19 am and is filed under Noggins, Tu Tor Plus, Tutorials. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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